New to Teaching Clay

New to Teaching Clay

Posted by Cindy Bracker on Aug 21st 2023

*Ring Ring….Ring Ring*

“Thank you for calling Bracker’s Good Earth Clays, this is Cindy, how can I help you?”

“Oh hi Cindy, I’m a teacher in [small town in the middle of America] and I’m new to teaching Ceramics. I don’t know where to start. Can you help me?”

Does this sound like you? Then you are in the right place. This post will jump start your semester. We’ve included extensive information on clay selection, the administrative information you need to navigate getting your materials and a lesson plan to get you started!

Please note: This series is designed with our local/area school teachers in mind. We primarily serve schools throughout Kansas, Nebraska, Southwest Iowa, Western Missouri, Northwestern Arkansas and pockets of Oklahoma & Illinois. Brand names that are specific to Bracker’s Good Earth Clays will be used. The information we are providing here is free and available for all schools. (If you use, copy or reprint this information, we only ask that you cite us as your source.) We strongly recommend finding your closest local supplier and building a relationship with that company.

Now, back to your classroom. First question….Do you have clay? That’s definitely the first thing you need to get for your classroom. So read on if you need help picking the right clay for your setting. If the last person in your position took care of this for you, then jump on down to the next section, Classroom checklist or use the menu below to go to whichever section you want!

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